Specializations of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML) Department

Specializations of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML) Department

Minister of Justice Resolution No. 532 of 2019 stipulates the competencies of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Department at the Ministry of Justice as follows:

1- Conducting a risk assessment of the possibility of crime occurring in the sector under supervision.

2 – Building a paper or electronic database for lawyers that includes all data, such as name, type of activity, date of commencement of practicing the profession, and a copy of the license, provided that it is updated continuously.

3- Finding effective and quick means to communicate electronically with lawyers individually and collectively.

4 – Receiving inquiries and providing assistance and support to lawyers, via the department’s e-mail or any other means.

5- Work on training the department’s employees on a regular basis.

6- Implementing and following up on the operational plan to confront money laundering and terrorist financing crimes issued by the Ministry.

7- Conducting office and field oversight and inspections of lawyers based on the following:

 *The national risk assessment issued by the committee.

 *Crime risks, policies, internal controls and procedures related to the sector under supervision as determined by the risk assessment prepared by the department.

8- Maintaining an updated list of the names and data of compliance officials appointed by law firms and notifying the Financial Information Unit thereof.

 9- Prepare a risk assessment questionnaire form, a suspicious transaction report form, and any other relevant forms, in coordination with the Financial Information Unit.

10- Organizing awareness programs and campaigns for lawyers and their staff regarding confronting crime and providing them with guidance and feedback to enhance the effectiveness of their implementation of crime confrontation procedures.

11- Verifying the commitment of lawyers to implement the obligations stipulated in the decree law and the executive regulations.

12- Taking all measures that would ensure lawyers’ full commitment to implementing Security Council resolutions related to preventing and suppressing terrorism and its financing, preventing, suppressing and stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction and their financing, and other relevant resolutions, through field visits and continuous follow-up, and working to impose appropriate administrative sanctions. In case of violation or failure to implement instructions.

13- Informing the office of the reports, information and data received from lawyers regarding those listed.

14- Preparing reports on lawyers’ violations and presenting them to the Undersecretary.

15- Notifying lawyers of the decisions issued regarding the administrative penalties imposed on them.

16- Notifying the unit of the appropriate penalty decision and filing a grievance against it.

17- Preparing periodic statistics on the measures taken, penalties imposed, and key performance indicators.

18- Receiving requests for grievances against decisions to include on local terrorist lists.

19- Receive requests from those listed on local terrorist lists to use part of the frozen funds and notify the applicant of the decision issued regarding the request.

20- Any other powers of the regulatory authorities contained in the decree law and its executive regulations.

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